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Macro that saves values for only certain worksheets


I am trying to do a save as values in a copy of a report that I have. This works if I Dim as a worksheet, and it goes through all the worksheets. However, because I have pivot tables now in the first six tabs, this is no longer working. Instead I would like to do a save as values for 6 particular worksheets that have formulas, and leave the pivot tables as is.

This is the formula I currently have.

I tried to change it to....Set wk = Worksheets("Sheet1") but not sure how to put it all together to look through the 6 specific sheets I need it to.

Sub SaveAsValues()
Dim ws As Worksheet


    For Each ws In Worksheets
     ws.UsedRange = ws.UsedRange.Value
    Next ws
    ThisWorkbook.SaveAs "V:\Folder"

End Sub
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Something along the lines of:
Sub SaveAsValues()
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set WkShts = Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet54", "Sheet3", "Sheet6", "SheetAnother", "SheetYetAnother"))
For Each ws In WkShts
  ws.UsedRange = ws.UsedRange.Value
Next ws
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs "V:\Folder"
End Sub