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Macro Refresh All Save the workbook


New Member
Hi Team,

I want a macro that would automatically Refresh All the whole workbook & save the current workbook on its own every 5 mins.

So the simple code would be,

Sub UpdateData()



Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:05:00"), "UpdateData"

End Sub

Now the problem is my workbook is connected with an Access table & thus Refresh All takes 2-3 minutes. But when above macro runs it automatically prompts for saving the workbook asking to STOP THE REFRESH ALL function. Thus my macro never gets complete.

I need a code which runs REFRESH ALL on the workbook & thus when Refresh All is completed then SAVE the workbook.
Hi, snadeemshaikh!

Give a look at this:


It explains two methods, one using a timer for Application.Wait and another using the PivotCache.BackgroundQuery property, which I think is the smartest.

Besides, I think there's extremely overwhelming running such a process that lasts 2-3 minutes each every 5 minutes, but I don't know the contex so you should evaluate the convenience or not of that frequency.

Thanks a ton for that link.

The easiest way I am using is to turn off the Enable Background Refresh in Table properties. Now my macro works smoothly.