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Macro issue

For this discussion assume that the following: A1=7/19/12, A2=135, A3=88, etc, B1=7/18/12, etc.

7/19/12 135 88 1.44 0.73

7/18/12 161 76 1.15 0.74

The objective is to enter data for the current day so I wrote a macro.

When I put the cursor on 7/18/12 and run my macro it will add a row, populate then new A1 with today's date and copy the formula for the previous row (copies formula for B4,5 to A4,5).

For 7/19/12 I manually enter data for A2=135, A3=88. At this point the cells for A4,5 should be auto calc'd but This is where the prob occurs.

I've been doing this for many months and after I enter the data for A2,3 the values for A4,5 were automatically calculated. Within the last week or so the values are no longer auto calc'd. I have to put my cursor over each cell and hit enter for the calc to occur.

Any ideas?

Edit after post:

In addition I put my cusor over the cells with the copied formulas and they are correct.
Evening jackmanjls

Have you auto calculation been switched off, it may know be on manual
Hi, jackmanjls!

Adding my two-cents to what b(ut)ob(ut)hc wrote, you can check calculation mode by updating a cell and looking at bottom left of the Excel window, if nothing's displayed, calculation mode is in automatic, if a message like "Calculate" (or something alike) appears, calculation is in manual mode.

This was the problem.

Here's the solution for EXCEL 2007:

Go to the Office Button, select Excel Options (lower right hand corner), Formulas,

Calculation options (at the top pf the page) and set Workbook Options to Automatic.

Thanks to those that responded.
Hi, jackmanjls!

Glad you solved it. All credit to b(ut)ob(ut)hc. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
