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Macro for Updating data from excel to web site or web application


New Member

I need to take data stored in Excel files and populate (copy and paste ) the data into web forms, submit the form then loop through the enitre process until I have gone through the entire Excel file.

So the Excel file will have a many number of rows but always 4 colums of data per row.

then need to:

1) login to the site (),

2) Navigate the site to get to the correct forms

3) Insert (Copy and paste )the data from Excel into the correct form field (column 1 and 2 data goes to Field 1 & 2, Field 3 to be selected from drop down box based on column 3, Field 4 data pasted from column 4)

4) submit the data

5) do the process again and again to complete the entire excel

I want to create a macro for the above task. Hopefully the above points are helpful to understand my requirement.

Please help me
Thanks in advance.
Code will largely depend on specific web site. Without details, we can't help you.

In most cases, I'd recommend contacting site administrator for API (REST), if available. Or check if they will accept XML file upload. It will be much more stable, and faster than automating IE navigation.
Screenshot will not help.

Each site has it's own logic and structure. So, code will need to be written specific to the site. Html source code and list of elements that you need to manipulate is often needed.

If you search within this forum or on google, you'll find plenty of examples. However, code that works on one site, may not work on another.

Hi I have uploaded the HTML script of the page where i want to update the excel details. File : dataload.txt

However i have a doubt whether this page is created in HTML or Java Script?

Please help me to identify.
Thanks in advance.


  • Dataload.txt
    39.9 KB · Views: 5
Hi all,

very urgent, pls help

I have uploaded the HTML script of the page where i want to update the excel details. File : dataload.txt

However i have a doubt whether this page is created in HTML or Java Script?

Please help me
Looks like mix of java and asp .net

Best bet is to talk with your site admin and automate through API