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macro check control


New Member
Hello everyone.
The attached macro creates a txt file to control who opens the workbook.
Also automatically creates the directory must is the txt file.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim Urec   As String
Dim path As String
Dim name1 As String
Dim CurFolder, DestFolder As String

    'username accesso/chiusura all'avvio/chiusura
  name1 = Foglio1.Range("A1").Value

  CurFolder = ActiveWorkbook.path
   DestFolder = CurFolder & "\" & name1 & "\"
   If Dir(DestFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir DestFolder

Open DestFolder & "\accessi_ACTIONLIST_C.log" For Append As #1
'Open path & "\accessi_PROVA.log" For Append As #1

If ThisWorkbook.Saved = False Then

Urec = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Print #1, Application.UserName, Now & " CHIUSURA MODIFICATO"
    Print #1, "-------------------------------------------------"
    Close #1
ElseIf ThisWorkbook.Saved = True Then
Urec = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Print #1, Application.UserName, Now & " CHIUSURA NON MODIFICATO "
    Print #1, "-------------------------------------------------"
    Close #1
     ThisWorkbook.Close False
        'file non modificato
        Print #1, Application.UserName, Now & " CHIUSURA NON MODIFICATO "
        Print #1, "-------------------------------------------------"
        Close #1
    'End If
'End If
End If


End Sub

You can change the third option:



     ThisWorkbook.Close False


        'file non modificato

        Print #1, Application.UserName, Now & " CHIUSURA NON MODIFICATO "

        Print #1, "-------------------------------------------------"

        Close #1

    'End If

I change something in the workbook then I choose no in the excel warning
and in the txt file it must be unmodified
I hope I explained myself
Hi !​
Max_Max : this is a wild cross posting so Read this !
As you already get an aswer in another forum use Cancel = False if you want to not close …​
Hi marc I don't have the third option does not work
     ThisWorkbook.Close False
        'file non modificato
        Print #1, Application.UserName, Now & " CHIUSURA NON MODIFICATO "
        Print #1, "-------------------------------------------------"
        Close #1
        Cancel = True
    'End If
As we can't check without any link of your original thread as explained in my previous post link and read this forum rules :​