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Lost Immediate Window


New Member
Anyone know what to tdo when the Immediate Window will not show up? CTRL+G doesn't work, View - Immediate Window doesn't work!
Hi billy..

Welcome to the forum.. with a UNIQUE problem...

After pressing Ctrl+G whatis showing.. thats the Immediate Window.. May be I am saying this like Stupid.. but.. GoTo > Tools > Option > Docking..

and check (Immediate Window) to set it as Dockable..


Could be that it's been minimized/shrunk to be very small. Check the bottom of the VBE, make sure it's not stuck down there?
I appreciate the answers. The problem seems to be computer specific. I am on a different computer today and the immediate window is there. I won't be back on the same computer until, I believe, Tuesday.
Hi, billy1r!

For what I've read the problem isn't related to a workbook so it has to be related to the installation of Excel.

If you go to the VBA editor (Alt-F11), and alternatively press Ctrl-G, do you see the Immediate Window pane?

If not, going to Tools, Options, Couple/Engage (last tab), and check first option (Immediate Window) and press enter, do you see it?

If not, copy the following code into a new clean module on any new or existing workbook and then pressing F5 to run it, after doing that, do you see anywhere the lines "Where is the f_____ (famous!) Immediate Window?"

If not, consider reinstalling Excel.



Option Explicit

Sub WhereInTheVBAIsTheImmediateWindow()
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To 100
Debug.Print I, "Where is the f_____ (famous!) Immediate Window?"
Next I
End Sub

OK, I'm back on the computer with the missing Immediate window! I tried all the above suggestions and nothing works.

I press CTRL-G and nothing seems to happen. Re-installing Excel is not an option. I'm on a company network and getting the Administrator to do that would take forever.
OK, here is what I did! I found it!

I closed all the other windows in the VBE. That's when I noticed a small blue thing down on the lower left border. I put the cursor on it and it gave me the little double ended arrow to resize it. Did that and it's back. Have no idea how it got that way.

Thanks for all your help.

BTW SirJB7, it had a hundred lines with, "Where is the f______ (famous) Immediate Window?" in it!

Hi, billy1r!

I don't know why it had that strange thing, maybe it's part of the same virus that hid it.

For last half an hour or so, I searched in "Documents and Settings" for any specific microsoft's binary files e.g. it stores our user preferences in *.xlsb format (if you use XP based system then Excel settings can be found under):

C:Documents and SettingsstudentApplication DataMicrosoftExcel

But the immediate window setting remained elusive. Then I came across this article by JKP which explains the concept very clearly:


These settings are stored in Registry and can be altered by using Registry Editor. Not at all recommendable if you do not know how to work with Registry Editor. If you've confidence then for XP based environment, I've attached procedure for recovering working settings. Obviously you need to save good settings first.



Thanks for sharing the links. I've faced many times the undocking issues and it'd been a pain in the a__, arm of course :p

Regarding the immediate window disappearing. Could it be that you've changed your screen configuration? Perhaps you had 2 monitors and now you're on just 1?

If so, and you're sure that the Immediate Window is turning on, but just not visible, it could be out of the viewable area. But it's likely still "Active." Given that, use the standard Windows tools and move it via the keyboard.

1) Hold down the ALT key and press SPACEBAR.
2) Press M (for Move).
3) Now use the arrow keys to move it until it appears.
4) When it's in the right position, press ENTER.
Revision to the above ...

  1. Hold down the ALT key and press SPACEBAR.
  2. Press M (for Move).
  3. Now press one of the arrow keys to move it and then
    1. swap to the mouse
    2. circle round until you see it.
  4. When it's in the right position, press ENTER.[/quote]

EDIT: Pointed out to me by Jan Karel Pieterse at jkp-ads.com. Thanks Jan.