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Losing sheet reference in chart series


New Member
Hi All,

I've created a dashboard with a chart referencing dynamic named formulas on another sheet for its series values. I'm using excel 2007 (my first problem...), and when I open a copy of the workbook (after it's been emailed to someone for instance), the sheet reference in the chart series value box has changed from the sheet name to "[0]". For example, "Sheet1!NamedFormula" changes to "[0]!NamedFormula".

The macros I have assigned to my controls on the dashboard are also losing the workbook reference. Any idea on why this is happening or how to fix it?

Floor tiles are the strongest decorative material that is used in home construction. It comes in different shapes and sizes like square and rectangular.

The prime concern of home owners regarding floor tiles is of cleaning and maintaining a tiled floor. A majority of home owners assume that flooring material should be maintenance free. Today's lifestyle is very fast and this fast lifestyle leaves little or no time for the home owners to clean or maintain their home fixtures, floors, walls and various countertops.

Whatever cleaning work they can do in their homes is possible only on weekends. If you are home owner with no time for home cleaning then consider tiling your home floor