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Lookup with dropdown list


New Member
I have a question:

I have a dropdownlist of cars and I have a for every car a different sheet. On the sheet invoice I want that all the specs of the car appear once you have selected a car in the dropdownlist. Is this possible to do in Excel and if so could somebody tell me how.
Hi joostlaane,

Firstly welcome to the chandoo's Forum!!

Offcourse you can With this =INDIRECT("Sheet"&G1&"!"&"A1")

G1 is the cell linked to the drop down menu

A1 is the cell that contains spec of a car on other sheet

The entire formula will give you Indirect(Sheet1!A1) that will give you the desired result. It can be easy if you upload a sample file.



thank you very much, but unfortunatly i can't upload a file cuz the file is a calculation sheet for my job.
so you can load just an empty file without data so that i may get an idea about the layout of the file??

on the sheet fill in: there is a dropdown list of some machines, it should look there and then select which sheet it has to find the information for the proforma


Got the same issue. Just asked for permission and waiting for joostlaane response.


here is the link open to changes :)
Hi joostlaane,

Kindly check file i think it will serve the purpose.



Though the problems are not related to me, I sometimes read the solutions you have given to the needy.....

SirJB7 & Faseeh - the good samaritans - keep rocking.......


Thanks for you kind words, but in this case it was just Faseeh who did the dirty job.
