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Lookup value from table with no relationship


I need help in power bi to lookup a value from another table with no relationship to the model. I want to lookup the value in column "Bokført verdi (IB)" in the table "AvdelingDim" for the criteria "Fartøy" and "Type". In the sheet "OversiktPP" i have used excel formula to get the desires result (range I4:I7), but i want to accomplish this through powerbi measure.

Kindly Regards
Lars Ole


  • 2020.06.11_Anleggskartotek 2020 05-PowerBI-Help lookup from table with no relationship.xlsx
    731 KB · Views: 2
Something like below.

Bokført verdi IB :=
    AvdelingDim[Bokført verdi (IB)],
    AvdelingDim[Fartøy], FIRSTNONBLANK ( VALUES ( Aktivadata[Fartøy] ), 1 ),
    AvdelingDim[Type], FIRSTNONBLANK ( VALUES ( Aktivadata[Type] ), 1 )