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LOOKUP??? maybe


New Member

Been trying to find an easy solution to this.

Cells M27-M29(each cell references same cell blocks) looks at cells R28 thru U28 to see if a certain word is in one of those boxes. If that word is there it refences M31 for a value to put in M27 and M28 and M29. If the word doesn't show up need it to put a 0 in M27-M29. Each "M" cell can have the same formula.

Tried several If statements.. failed..deleted them

Tried to do an If..or..or...or.. failed deleted.

Now i'm frustrated.

So would a Lookup in each of the "M" cells that reference the R28-U28 cells work better?

Tried this..


but got ######

Not good with look up .

Thanks for the help.
Figured out some of it.


But only works if Cell R28. if Word is entered into Cells S28-U28 answer is 0 not the value of M31.

Problem is if nothing is in R28:U28 i get a #N/A.

How do you eliminate that? Can't figure out the 0 portion