• Hi All

    Please note that at the Chandoo.org Forums there is Zero Tolerance to Spam

    Post Spam and you Will Be Deleted as a User


  • When starting a new post, to receive a quicker and more targeted answer, Please include a sample file in the initial post.



New Member
I would appreciate if someone helps me with a function.I Wish to bring all the product models with quantity purchase for a specific customer from a report in one sheet to another sheet by using formula.

I dont no how to attach my sample workbook
Good day siasia_bi I have upload a workbook that show single data return and multi return data with vlookup, you will be able to see the formulas and how they change by the function bar.


On the front of the forum where you posted your question there are three "stickies" one of which explains how to upload.

The search box, top right is a powerful search return, it works.