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Lookup between range in case of multiple True

Hi Experts,

After following your very useful post on Range Lookup here: (http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/06/30/range-lookup-excel/)

I stuck up when my value is matching for two ranges. If the value in found in two range it give the answer as "Not found". I wish to have all the row numbers for which it is true.









Now I searched "33" which is true for row 2,3

Try the following formula, this one assumes that the Columns are A and B and the Data is from A4 to B4, the search value is in C7.

This is an array formula that require you to hit Ctr, Shift and Enter.

HI Kuldeep,

Kahiba's formula is correct but it needs a little modification, It should be changed to give you the multiple returns for a match type. Examine this formula. Your data including headers are present in Cell A1:B7 like bellow and you have put this formula as array formula Ctrl+Shift+Enter

Start	End	33
10	25	1
30	45	2
30	150	3
300	450	4
500	501	5
502	600	6[/pre]

Put in D2 this formula and drag down:


Hope that works!

Hi Faseeh,

I am using you gem from last one month and never failed. However from last one month I tried few time to understand how it works but could not.


May any of our expert will explain this to me. I get lost after coming out from "if" function.

Hi Kuldeep ,

The IF statement is the only part of the above formula which you need to understand !

The IFERROR is not an essential part of the formula , in the sense that it is not the part which makes it work. We are left with :


You know that the SMALL function merely returns the 1st , 2nd , 3rd ,... smallest value from the array , which in this case is just the array {2;3;4;5;6;7} provided the IF condition is satisfied i.e. if the IF condition returns an array {TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE} , the output of the IF statement will be {2;3;4;5;6;7} ; if any of the elements is not TRUE , then the IF condition can return an array such as {TRUE;FALSE;FALSE;TRUE;TRUE;FALSE}. In this case , the output of the IF statement will be {2;FALSE;FALSE;5;6;FALSE}

The smallest value from this array will be 2 , the next will be 5 , and the next will be 6.

The basic mechanism is the IF condition :


What this is doing is checking whether the value in C1 is between the values in the array A2:A7 and the values in the array B2:B7 ; the result will be an array of TRUE / FALSE values , TRUE where the value in C1 is between the values in A2:A7 and B2:B7 , and FALSE otherwise. Given that C1 contains 33 , the array will be {FALSE;TRUE;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE}.
