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lookup based on previous and current month


I have a vlookup which changes values in the table based on the month. I have the month in the list box and the user selects it and the results change.

I have 2 lists Current ap and previous ap.

When the user select the current AP say May than the values change. i am having problems trying to automatically show the previous AP. In my list drop down box i only have the month from Jan , feb thru dec. I dont have any date to do my calculations. How to get the previous AP only with the month field. i.e if i select May i should get April as the previous ap selected and the values change based on the previous month.

I tried to base my formula on today() and extract the text(today(),"mmm_")) but i cannot do it because the user ideally selects the list from the drop down list box. can anyone help . I need to have some formula that derives the previous month (May-1 =April). My vlookups work but i have to automatically get previous ap values too.
Hi ,

1. Define a named range Months , and enter the following formula in the Refers To box :


2. Now use the following formula to derive the previous month :


where G7 is an arbitrary cell address which will contain the current month ; if G7 contains May , then the above formula will return Apr. If G7 contains Jan , then the above formula will return Dec.

Thanks a million. that worked like a charm. i would never have been able to figure that out. so if i want 2-3 months before i have to minus from the array.

thanks again.
Hi ,

Yes ; only take care to wrap around ; at present , the wrap around is only one month , so if the current month is Jan , the previous becomes Dec. If you are going to allow previous months going back two or even three months , you will have to take care of the wrap around if the current month is Feb / Mar and you want to end up with Dec / Nov / Oct.

Hi xljgd,

Another way,


Change Number_of_Months. This could also refer >12 months ie, -13, -25, -29 months etc...

If you want to add months, then change the year to 1904 & - to +



Another way to skin the cat:


Number_of_Months can be any number, negative (to subtract) or positive (to add).
FYI xljgd,

If you are using excel 2003 or previous versions, Analysis ToolPak AddIn is require to activated to work EOMONTH.