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look up two different criteria for result


hi all,

I am trying to look up two different criteria in order to get result in the attached excel file, but i was successful with only one criteria.

Need an idea as how to execute the formula for the second criteria too. File is attached for reference.



  • For Test.xlsx
    18.6 KB · Views: 9
Thank you so much. Just a quick question regarding the specific selection of function, What if i got to select only "Manager", rather than SENIOR category.

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Thank you so much. Just a quick question regarding the specific selection of function, What if i got to select only "Manager", rather than SENIOR category.


If Source data got more than 1 result, use this :

{=IFERROR(INDEX('Master File'!$C$2:$I$22,SMALL(IF(($B$1='Master File'!$G$2:$G$22)*($D$1='Master File'!$H$2:$H$22),ROW('Master File'!$C$2:$C$22)-ROW('Master File'!$C$2)+1),ROWS(B$1:B1)),MATCH(B$2,'Master File'!$C$1:$I$1,0)),"")}

If Source data got only 1 result, use this :

{=IFERROR(INDEX('Master File'!$C$2:$I$22,MATCH(1,($B$1='Master File'!$G$2:$G$22)*($D$1='Master File'!$H$2:$H$22),0),MATCH(B$2,'Master File'!$C$1:$I$1,0)),"")}


Further to the above mentioned example, i tried and the following formula (with array) works fine, giving desired result as per the ranks:

{=IFERROR(INDEX('Master File'!$A$2:$G$22,SMALL(IF(($B$1='Master File'!$E$2:$E$22)*ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D$1,'Master File'!$F$2:$F$22)),ROW('Master File'!$A$2:$A$22)-ROW('Master File'!$A$2)+1),ROWS(F$1:F1)),MATCH(F$2,'Master File'!$A$1:$G$1,0)),"")}

Also, i am trying to solve another criteria - For e.g. if i try dept.; i get result, what if, if i try only position. I am not getting the result, should i use OR function with index.



  • 2CriteriaLookupTest.xlsx
    17.9 KB · Views: 9
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Further to the above mentioned example, i tried and the following formula (with array) works fine, giving desired result as per the ranks:

{=IFERROR(INDEX('Master File'!$A$2:$G$22,SMALL(IF(($B$1='Master File'!$E$2:$E$22)*ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D$1,'Master File'!$F$2:$F$22)),ROW('Master File'!$A$2:$A$22)-ROW('Master File'!$A$2)+1),ROWS(F$1:F1)),MATCH(F$2,'Master File'!$A$1:$G$1,0)),"")}

Also, i am trying to solve another criteria - For e.g. if i try dept.; i get result, what if, if i try only position. I am not getting the result, should i use OR function with index.



Add a &"" inside your I2 formula as per highlighted red and copy down :


thank you once again, it works in I2 as mentioned above.
Conditions in cell:

1. Type dept. in B1, it gives result in ROW 3.

2. Type dept. in B1 & position in D1, it gives result in ROW 3.

3. Type only position in D1, i don't get result in row 3. For this, i used to following formula;

=IFERROR(INDEX('Master File'!$A$2:$G$200,SMALL(IF(($D$1='Master File'!$F$2:$F$200)*ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D$1,'Master File'!$F$2:$F$200)),ROW('Master File'!$A$2:$A$200)-ROW('Master File'!$A$2)+1),ROWS(F$1:F1)),MATCH(F$2,'Master File'!$A$1:$G$1,0)),"")
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thank you once again, it works in I2 as mentioned above.
Conditions in cell:

1. Type dept. in B1, it gives result in ROW 3.

2. Type dept. in B1 & position in D1, it gives result in ROW 3.

3. Type only position in D1, i don't get result in row 3. For this, i used to following formula;

=IFERROR(INDEX('Master File'!$A$2:$G$200,SMALL(IF(($D$1='Master File'!$F$2:$F$200)*ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D$1,'Master File'!$F$2:$F$200)),ROW('Master File'!$A$2:$A$200)-ROW('Master File'!$A$2)+1),ROWS(F$1:F1)),MATCH(F$2,'Master File'!$A$1:$G$1,0)),"")

1] The formula is a 2 criteria Lookup, so you must always have 2 criteria in B1 and D1.

The 1st criteria is : ($B$1='Master File'!$E$2:$E$22) --> it is a exact matching criteria

The 2nd criteria is : ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D$1,'Master File'!$F$2:$F$22)) --> it is a approx. matching criteria

2] In order always get data inside the criteria cells, it is generally use validation dropdown list.

3] You must decide what do you want prior to design the formula in suit with the Output Table.
