Hello There,
Based on the help from forum members I was able to build a ListView from another workbook using ADODB connection. Attached are the files for your reference:
1. File_Invoice1
2. Master Data
In the File_Invoice1 file, I have given the above (current) working and the new requirement for the Listview.
Current working of ListView in File_Invoice1:
1. Click on 'Invoice Amount' column and then click the 'Show ListView' button
The form contains a Listview and it will show the rows from Master data file for the current Customer and VAT Number
2. On Double click on the row of the ListView, value from Listview will be copied into column 'Invoice Amount' and 'Comments'
New Requirement in File_Invoice1:
1. Here are 2 worksheets 'Invoice Entry' and 'Output Listview'
2. WorkSheets 'Invoice Entry' contains Table: Table1 and WorkSheet Output ListView: Table2
3. To build a ListView which is based on Worsksheet: Invoice Entry, Table: Table1
Columns to be selected in the ListView is 'Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Vat Number and City
4. The ListView needs to be displayed in Worksheet 'Output Listview' on button press 'Display ListView'
5. On Double click on the row of the ListView, value from Listview 1st two columns will be copied into table cell 'Invoice Number' and 'Invoice Date'
I have tried my best to do but got confused with the working of tables and listview, and therefore looking forward for your support.
Could you please advise how this can be achieved using VBA?
Thanks & regards
Based on the help from forum members I was able to build a ListView from another workbook using ADODB connection. Attached are the files for your reference:
1. File_Invoice1
2. Master Data
In the File_Invoice1 file, I have given the above (current) working and the new requirement for the Listview.
Current working of ListView in File_Invoice1:
1. Click on 'Invoice Amount' column and then click the 'Show ListView' button
The form contains a Listview and it will show the rows from Master data file for the current Customer and VAT Number
2. On Double click on the row of the ListView, value from Listview will be copied into column 'Invoice Amount' and 'Comments'
New Requirement in File_Invoice1:
1. Here are 2 worksheets 'Invoice Entry' and 'Output Listview'
2. WorkSheets 'Invoice Entry' contains Table: Table1 and WorkSheet Output ListView: Table2
3. To build a ListView which is based on Worsksheet: Invoice Entry, Table: Table1
Columns to be selected in the ListView is 'Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Vat Number and City
4. The ListView needs to be displayed in Worksheet 'Output Listview' on button press 'Display ListView'
5. On Double click on the row of the ListView, value from Listview 1st two columns will be copied into table cell 'Invoice Number' and 'Invoice Date'
I have tried my best to do but got confused with the working of tables and listview, and therefore looking forward for your support.
Could you please advise how this can be achieved using VBA?
Thanks & regards