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Listing from given range matching values


Active Member
Hi All,

I have table data as show below with 3 column of information like agentname, program name and date. In the next column I have place holder for entering program name and date.

Now, the given date and program, I need the list of agent names in last column.

My data looks like this:

AgentName  ProgramName   Date           EnterProg       Prog 3         List

Agent 3    Prog 3       3/16/2012       EnterDate       3/16/2012      0

Agent 2    Prog 3       3/16/2012

Agent 4    Prog 4       3/16/2012

Agent 2    Prog 5       3/16/2012

Agent 3    Prog 5       3/11/2012

Agent 1    Prog 1       3/11/2012

Agent 4    Prog 5       3/11/2012

Agent 1    Prog 3       3/11/2012

Agent 1    Prog 1       3/10/2012

Agent 2    Prog 2       3/10/2012

Agent 3    Prog 1       3/1/2012

Agent 4    Prog 1       3/1/2012

Agent 3    Prog 4       3/1/2012

I tried using the formula like this in List col:




result is always 0 or #num, when i use the evaluate function, I realise that sumproduct is able to find the rows where my criteria meets, but before I list the smallest on them, it gets summedup and so the array for small() will have only one value and not the list of row numbers matching.

I can always go for vba code and PT, but want to learn formula based only, I know with some formulaes indirect(), address() or transpose () this can be done.

Looking for some help in this area.


Prasad DN

AgentNames are listed above as Agent 1, Agent 2, Agent 3 etc

ProgramName are listed above as Prog 1, prog 2, prog 3 etc


Prasad DN

PS: I am not able to paste data like table format
Hi, prasaddn!

Give a look at this file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60558749/Listing%20from%20given%20range%20matching%20values%20%28for%20Prasaddn%20at%20chandoo.org%29.xlsx

And don't ask me where I found it, because it was here and I don't remember.


PS: For table formatting embed copied range within back-ticks `
Can do a simpler version using index / match countif:


OR you can work a little harder and get them in alphabetical order...


See example file below. Note both of these are array formulas (ctrl + shift + enter).

Sorry, think I missed the conditions you were trying to put on. Simple version:


Sorted alphabetically:


Updated example file...

Thank you MBegg!

Dear Pablo, as usual, I am not able to access to your file, if your formula is different from that of MBegg, please do send to my email ID (hope you have it :))

Thank you Pablo.


Prasad DN
Hi, prasaddn!

Just sent by mail.

One question: you can't access my dropbox public folder but for example MBegg's one yes, or you can't access any dropbox folder?

Thank you again,

Due to firewall issues, I cant access any of the fileshare sites. :(

MBegg's formula is working fine. Well,I have received your file, but the formula is not changing results when i change the date or program. It is just giving unique agent names list.


Formula does not check the condition of program name and date that are in E1 and E2.

Just wanted to keep you informed.


Prasad DN
I am just trying to learn the CSE formula or how to store the array result in rows. etc.


Prasad DN