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List Items corresponding in a table with values repeated both horizontally and vertically


New Member
I need a formula to automatically list all items related to the closest expiration dates.


  • VALIDITY.xlsx
    11.6 KB · Views: 5
You're new, Danilão, so I gotta be nice :):
1) "Related" how?
2) The expiration date "nearest" to what?
3) And now that I'm looking at your worksheet, which of those several date columns are the "expiration" date?

You gotta define the question, senhor.
You're new, Danilão, so I gotta be nice :):
1) "Related" how?
2) The expiration date "nearest" to what?
3) And now that I'm looking at your worksheet, which of those several date columns are the "expiration" date?

You gotta define the question, senhor.
I filled it in according to what I need...


  • VALIDITY.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 6