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List Box Mysterious Action

Hello Friend,

Need some advice on the attached file. Plz do click on the Click to Record Data button on the Requests sheet. Select New Growth option and go to Resource Requirement tab and select any of the Position title from the combo box which is before Qty tab and in the below list box which has list of designation titles try selecting Sr Practitioner or SME..

Some how it is acting crancy and selects some other option.. like Manager or Executive. Please advice on how to rectify this issue.

Password to access the VBA code: pavangbs


  • GRB Smart Tool_0.5.xlsm
    269 KB · Views: 3
Hello Narayan,

That worked.. But however it was a curtail step which was highlighting the missing field.. if we have an alternative solution that would have been wonderful if not noProbs.

Thanks for your help sir...

Pavan S