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List all Ties in Top 5


Hi all,

I'm using an index and match formula referenced to another worksheet where i've used a rank formula to rank the values.

The index and match formula gives me the top 5 players based on their score but Ive come to a problem where I have two players which have the same score. How do I adjust the formula so that it doesn't just list one players name but all the players that have been ranked one?

Thanks :)
Hi Ashl,

Instead of rank, Try using Large function.

The syntax for this function is ‘=LARGE(array,k)‘ so you can insert the range of cells you are analyzing as the ‘array’ and you can specify ’1,2,3,4,5′ as the value for ‘k’.

Excel will find the Kth largest value for you.

You can get a handy tutorial at http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/11/12/topx-chart/
