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Linking to external workbooks won't update


New Member
Hi all,

At my job we have a dozen Account Directors who all maintain their own revenue forecast workbook, and Finance uses a "Summary" workbook that links to all of these, so we can see all revenue for all Account Directors on one page. The workbooks are all password protected, and saved as MS Excel 2007 Worksheet file type. When I try to update the Summary workbook by linking to the others, Excel does not accept my password in order to update the values, however, if I open the individual workbooks the password is accepted. I know I enter the correct password. If I am able to update the links, when I re-open the Summary sheet, none of the values have updated. My IT department has checked my permissions and doesn't know what the problem is. Does anyone have any ideas? I tried saving ALL of the workbooks in Excel 97-2003 (on my local desktop AND on the shared drive) and the linking problem is the same. I don't use Conditional Formatting or anything fancy, though I had tried using Sparklines on the Summary page at one point to add a small visual aid for the revenue forecast across Account Directors. I have since removed that function.

This is a major part of my job, and is a very simple task - why can I not update links??

Thank you so much for your help!
Hi, tanner24!

How do you do the process of updating the summary file? By linked cells, by VBA code, ...?

Because i did this and worked:

- create 3 files

- 1st A1 = 2nd A1

- 1st A2 = 3rd A1

- save all

- change value of 2nd, set password & close

- same for 3rd

- close 1st

- open 1st, asked for updating links, asked for both passwords

- working!

So describe the manual process, post the necessary code or upload the sample files.
