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Linking multiple sheets with MasterSheet in the same workbook


New Member
I have a situation in Excel where there is one workbook and
it has 6 worksheets in all.First one is a MasterSheet and other
5 sheets are named as S1,S2,S3,S4 and S5.Now I want to link
these 5 five sheets with the Master at various cells in a column

Like in S1 E1 shud link with F2 cell in Master,in S2 E1 with F3,
in S3 E1 with F4,in S4 E1 with F5 and in S5 E1 in F6 cell in Master.
How can it be done ?

Looking forward to hearing from you.
#1 select Master-sheet
#2 select cell F2
#3 write =
#4 select sheet S1
#5 select cell E1
#6 press <ENTER>
#7 select Master-sheet
#8 select
cell F3
#9 write =
#10 select
sheet S2
#11 select cell E1
#12 press <ENTER>

... continue as above as many times as it needs - notice changes
#1 select Master-sheet
#2 select cell F2
#3 write =
#4 select sheet S1
#5 select cell E1
#6 press <ENTER>
#7 select Master-sheet
#8 select
cell F3
#9 write =
#10 select
sheet S2
#11 select cell E1
#12 press <ENTER>

... continue as above as many times as it needs - notice changes
I want to link other sheets with the MasterSheet and not the vice versa.Already linked Mastersheet with a cell in other sheets using Hyperlink fuction but I dont insist on using it
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Next, You want to send
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b) what do You want to get?
Please find an attached Excel file.I have already linked MasterSheet Sheet to other Sheets A & B but I want to link from Sheets A & B to MasterSheet like MasterSheet B1 to D2 in SheetA and D2 to B1 in MasterSheet,then B2 to D2 in SheetB and D2 to B2 in MasterSheet and so on.I have done the half of the linking.I am more concerned about the linking back to the MasterSheet.Will prefer to use HYPERLINK function of Excel to achieve this.


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I found three sheets and 11 numbers ( 1...11 ) - that's all.
You wrote something about ... so on ... linking ... the half of the linking ... linking back.
I know Your term HYPERLINK, but ... where?
I cannot guess - what would You like to have?