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Linking files that have yet to be created in a spreadsheet to pull future data


New Member
I am fairly new to excel... I have linked monthly files with similar names(only changing the date) for 4 years in excel. The outside linked data is a team rollup and is updated at the end of each month. I'm linking it to performance of individuals represented by the new spreadsheet. I used a vlookup to find the data by date and name. I created the spreadsheet using the previous 4 months to make sure it was pulling the correct data. I then named a file for each month going forward and added it to my vlookup table in the new sheet. When I tested for the December vlookup data today from the outside file it gave me an error until I opened up the new December file from which it was pulling data.

The file names are all correct for what the files will be named all the way through 2015. Is there a way that when I update my data upon opening the new spreadsheet that it will update the latest month without me having to have the linked document open? Keep in mind... when the document was created, the linked file names were added to a lookup table, but no files were created yet. Thanks for the help!
you can read this post and the subsequent link


Hey skubasteev686,

If you could send me the final file at my mail id which is v_love4u83@yahoo.com that would be gr8.