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Line chart question!


New Member
bare with me because this seems really basic but I cant figure it out and I've searched the site but nothing straightforward...

I have the following data for 3 stocks(date,ID, price). I run a daily report to get the info and this is how it spits out so I don't want to change the formatting. I just want to chart the prices for the 3 different stocks(each with a separate line) on the same chart. That's it. Keep in mind I'll be adding to the three columns daily and this is a simplified example.

Date ID Price

6/1/2012 AAA 99

6/1/2012 BBB 65

6/1/2012 CCC 75

6/2/2012 AAA 100

6/2/2012 BBB 66

6/2/2012 CCC 75

6/3/2012 AAA 99

6/3/2012 BBB 65

6/3/2012 CCC 75
Throw it into a PivotChart. In the PivotTable portion, setup Date as the row label, ID as the column label, and Price as the value. This also lets you quickly filter what stocks you are looking at, and/or dates.

If you want to get a little fancy, you could define a dynamic named range that grows as your add data, and then all you'd have to do is refresh your chart after importing.
much thanks for the two different options will give both a go and do some searching on dynamic named range/pivots.