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Length of formula contents


New Member
I'm a newbie to excel. I have a lot of formulae from MATLAB which I'm trying to include in excel 2013. The length of these formulae exceeds excel limit of 8192 characters. Splitting the formula is a tad tedious. Is there an alternative solution to get around this limit?
Hi ,

I am sorry , but I am not able to find any way out of this , since Excel's limitation does not seem to have any workarounds.

Having said that I am interested to know how this formula has been formulated either by a user or by the Matlab program , since there are a lot of multiplications by 1 , and additions of 0 , both of which don't make any difference to the equation / formula ; can these be eliminated ?

Hi ,

I am sorry , but I am not able to find any way out of this , since Excel's limitation does not seem to have any workarounds.

Having said that I am interested to know how this formula has been formulated either by a user or by the Matlab program , since there are a lot of multiplications by 1 , and additions of 0 , both of which don't make any difference to the equation / formula ; can these be eliminated ?

Thanks for trying. Yes, it is coming from a different program similar to MATLAB. This is a unique case where we have additions of zero and multiplication by 1. Usually, there will be a non-zero decimal.
Hi kbk,
I observed that there are 4 calculations which are repeating no. of times (below it is mentioned). So if you do these calculations in 4 different cells and pass the cell ref. of those cells to the main formula, that might reduce the length of formula.


Hi kbk,
I observed that there are 4 calculations which are repeating no. of times (below it is mentioned). So if you do these calculations in 4 different cells and pass the cell ref. of those cells to the main formula, that might reduce the length of formula.


Thanks for the astute observation. Unfortunately, this particular example is unique where such repetitions occur and also things like adding 0's and multiplications by 1 and so on. I have a whole bunch of formulae where such don't exist and I'm lost in trying to split them :-(