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Last Email Response Information Is Not Getting Extracted From Outlook



I have created a macro file where Outlook email information like subject, received time, sender, age are getting extracted, however last response on email is not getting extracted properly and showing the value as 00:00:00. I am not able to fix it.

Also, it would be great if you added in the code that if any email got replied then it should be mark as Yes otherwise no.



  • Email Automation1.xlsm
    64.9 KB · Views: 2
Seems to me this is really an MS Outlook question rather than an Excel question, isn't it? I mean, the problem isn't how to manipulate that value once it gets into Excel, but how to extract it from Outlook. Still a VBA question, but not (probably not) an Excel issue.
Don't get me wrong, if I knew the answer I wouldn't mind chiming in. I have worked with VBA/Outlook a little. But I know a lot less about it than about VBA/Excel.