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Largest Value in an Array?



How can I find the largest value in an array?

I have tried both:


(Pulls back the largest value in the week column)



(Always seems to pull back the largest instance of "Gold").

Any thoughts how to do this?

Pulls largest values from Week range.



Pulls largest value from Week range where same-sized Model range = "Gold"
your 2nd formula returns #value because i presume your so called "Week" is a range of data.

In looking for the largest value you can also try =max() instead of =large which because I use =large() in searching for ranks bigger than the value of 1.
Thanks guys. I'm looking for the Week of the Max Actual where the Model = Gold. I'm only getting back the max week for Gold. I've tried just offsetting the max, but, it doesn't like it.

Am I overanalyzing it?
That sounds like what the 2nd formula I posted does. Did you remember to use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to confirm the array formula?