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keyword search


New Member
i've a customer feedback text in sheet1,Column A. i've a keyword list and matching category in Sheet2 column A and B.

Example: Sheet1,Column A - The product is very good, user manual doesnt have proper information. Language from support center is not clear.

In sheet 2, i've info as follows

Column A Column B

Support Service and Support issue

Language Communication issue

manual Support/Intruction manual

i'm looking for a solution, which extract all the possible matching keywords from the text in Sheet1, using keywords in Sheet2

Kindly suggest
Hi Rajesh ,

This forum does not have an option for uploading a file here ; what you can do is upload your file to your preferred file-sharing website ( I personally prefer SpeedyShare , http://speedy.sh/ ) , give others permission to access and download the file , and then post that access link to this forum , in this same topic.

Hi Rajesh,

I tried to work out a file, please examine it:


...still your sample file could be helpful so please upload it.

