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keeping up with the times

Hi all--

I am trying to build a graph of total time our machine is down per week. In column A I have the different weeks ie 20 May - 26 May, 27 May - 2 Jun, etc for the last 2 months. In column B I have the total times (summed from another part of the sheet). My problem is that when I try to graph it the graph line keeps going up up up, the Y axis says 0:00, 12:00, 0:00, 12:00, etc and is set up as individual days. What I would like to do is have the Y axis set up between 0 and 24 hours (we haven't luckily been down for more than 24 hours total in a week) and the X axis be each week. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

You may need to modify your formulas in col B to be this:


This will remove any integer portion (ie, days) from the value, and you'll just be left with decimal (ie, time).

Then, you can change the format of the y-axis to get it to display in 24 hr time (format is hh:mm)