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Job role Work Instructions - Excel

Hi, I have been asked by my manager to do work instructions for everything I do - basically they are frightened that I leave and take all the knowledge with me, which is fair enough. Also one of my performance bonus objectives is to do this, so I have the incentive to do this :). Much of my work is Excel driven, so I am thinking what is the most effective way I can do this. One thought I have had is to do a screen record of what I am doing, while also recording my voice as I talk through it, and maybe as I am talking through it the words are being transcribed into a word document - so I have all three basically, visual, voice and written. I know you can set a recording through teams, but I think this is fairly limited and it gets deleted after a month anyway. Does Excel have any features to do this or is there other software I can use to do this? I am wanting it to be as good as possible, but also as pain free as possible to me, as my time is limited.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance :)
I was asked to do this by my company a few years ago. All the information was then passed to one of my colleagues and I was made redundant. I am not bitter as I now work for a better company paying me almost double. This may not be their plan but just be prepared in case.