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Is there a MODEIF formula


Hello All,

I hope that this isn't a repeat question, I have searched through the form. Is there any way I can have a MODEIF formula (a bit like sumif etc).

Many thanks

Hi ,

Probably if you can explain what your data is like , what you wish to do , you can get a more practical , more useful answer. Ideal would be if you could upload a sample workbook.

If you select any cell and start to type in any formula you think excel has (after the =) you will get a list and MODEIF is not part of the arsenal.
Thank you both
I have uploaded part of the file and what I want to do is find the mode from column B where column A = 11 or find the mode from column B where column A =10. The result will be referenced by a cell in another sheet.

Thanks for your help



  • ChandooTemp.xlsx
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Hi Gandalf,

Using below formula will result in 01-09-10
=MODE(IF($A$2:$A$401=10,$B$2:$B$401))--- this is an array formula so must be confirm with Ctrl+Shift+Enter

Using below formula results in 01-09-09
This is also an array formula.

See is this what you want or else advise.
