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Is it worth reporting spam?


Hi, Is it helpful to "Report" the spam posts. I come across them occassionally and "Report" them. Should this be done, or not? :confused:

Of course you should report spam so that it can be removed, if spam was not removed quickly then the site would soon get a reputation as a spammers haven.

I do not understand why you need to ask this question!!!!

Hi, Lymm!
Yes, please, it's the best that normal members can do to help Excel Ninjas to control spam. Keep on doing.
Hi SirJB7,
We knew we were normal!! Thanks for confirming the corollary about the Ninjas!! :D

We're not normal members... or should I resume therapy to talk about my theoretically yet cured trauma? :eek:
While it may be traumatic for the therapist, I would encourage you to continue the therapy since it would be good for the economy!! :p


I would have thought that by now you would have gleaned from SirJB7's posts he is beyond all help that mere therapy could deliver.....:p
Hi, my friend!

Good afternoon.

In fact I've always earned the double of what I paid her... just with the commissions from the whole team of docs that had to treat her...

Oh! I just remembered that tomorrow is the 3rd weekend of the month, I ought visit her... last time I went to the asylum it was many months ago... will she be still alive? I hope she didn't succeed about those strange ideas that yells appeared after admitting me as a patient.


PS: I should talk to my lawyer first, lest it doesn't happen the same thing that last year... poor nurse, she admitted herself in the room next to my doc... and she was the 7th one to do so... what a coincidence that I visited her 7 times, isn't it?... I don't want another attempt of the med director to sue me...

PS2: However I don't care too much about it... the judge always rejects them as unfair and dangerous... he likes much more living with his new younger girlfriend than with that old mad cow... sorry, my ex-doc, I mean.