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Is it possible to perform calculations in custom formatting?


New Member
Hye everybody,

my question is whether it is possible to perform calculations in custom formatting, e.g.

If I write 2 in a cell, is it possible for me to format the cell in such a way that it adds 2 to the value and displays 4??? [While of course keeping the original cell value as 2]

Any help will be appreciated
Hi, wajahat_mehdi88!

A cell can contains a value or a formula, no more than one value neither more than one formula, so I think that what you call "calculations in custom formatting" (what I should call "calculations maintainng the previous/original value") can't be done in Excel.

At least directly. But if you get involved with VBA programming and write code for certain events as Worksheet_Change, you can do the job.

I suggest you to use one or two auxiliary columns and do all the stuff with formulaes.

Also you can give a look to this:


It faces an analogue issue, even it's not identical it might guide you.
