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inventory accuracy


New Member
weekly inventory are our weekly task using scsanner we do manual scanned over 7,000 serials we scanned serial per location see below exsample.

how can we monitor the incomning units and out going units using excel.


serial #                  p/n                    location #
21524131066CBA102066	P04-281008-00111-C000	R015-A4
21524131066CB1004102	P04-281008-00111-C000	R015-B4
21524118596CBCA00070	CWH-231200-00711-C000	R015-C4
21524113326CB6001343	P02-181010-10211-C000	R015-D4
21524118696CC5202233	P04-181010-00111-C000	R015-E4
21524115736CB9104317	P04-261008-10111-C000	R015-F4
21524118656CC3206775	P04-231232-00311-C000	R015-F3
21524113446CC2102154	P02-381260-10111-C100	R015-E3
21524118816CC5202177	P04-181560-00311-C000	R015-D3
21524115736CB9104040	P04-261008-10111-C000	R015-C3
21524118606CBCA00023	CWH-231200-10711-C000	R015-B3
21524115736CB9103755	P04-261008-10111-C000	R015-A3
21524131446CC4203270	P04-060252-00311-C000	R015-A2
21524113326CB6000643	P02-181010-10211-C000	R015-B2
21524115766CB9103006	P04-261008-00111-C000	R015-C2
21524131066CBA102453	P04-281008-00111-C000	R015-D2
21524115736CB9105042	P04-261008-10111-C000	R015-F2
21524115766CB9104012	P04-261008-00111-C000	R015-F1
21524101806CC5202142	P02-231008-10311-C000	R015-E1
21524113326CB6000714	P02-181010-10211-C000	R015-D1
21524131066CB1003440	P04-281008-00111-C000	R015-C1
21524118816CC5202179	P04-181560-00311-C000	R015-B1
21524113326CB6000669	P02-181010-10211-C000	R015-A1
What exactly do you need to monitor? Just what is at each location (INDEX & MATCH)? Qty at each location (COUNTIF)?
Hi ,

Can you please be more specific ?

1. What is the meaning of "monitor" ? What do you want Excel to do ?

2. From the data you have posted , how do we decide which is for incoming and which is for outgoing units ?
