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Interactive Spreadsheet


New Member
I need to create an interactive spreadsheet to be used by 2,000+ people. I want the spreadsheet to include radio buttons that when used prompt the user to move to a specific field and not allow them to key in certain fields depending on the answer they choose within the radio button fields. I have looked at several formulas, option buttons, and many blogs to determine the best way to do this. My question is where should I start? I am not sure how to use visual basics and have no idea what an Excel Dashboard is or what they could do for me. Please advise on the best place to start with this project.
Hi Tonya ,

One way is to make a detailed description of what the users will do with the worksheet - what actions they will take , what cells will be used , and what the outcomes will be. How to do all of this , the implementation stage , is to be started after the above functional description is made.

It is preferable that while making the functional description , you interact with the users who will eventually be using the worksheet , to get their ideas ; what is simple or intuitive to you may or may not be so to the end user.

After this stage is complete , put in some sample data into the worksheet , and then start the implementation. Visual Basic is not essential to develop a dashboard , though using it can help you develop more complex ones.

This forum has a lot of helpful matter on how to go about developing a dashboard :

1. http://chandoo.org/wp/excel-dashboards/

2. http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/07/20/interactive-dashboard-using-hyperlinks/

3. http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/03/25/resources-for-making-dashboards/
