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interactive sales chart


Hi all

Have you seen Chandoo's interactive sales chart? It is fascinating.

i want to make one, but I did not get it right. Here is the worksheet I want to make the interactive chart for. Can anyone help me, please?

Good day

I think you may get a better response if you uploaded you file to Dropbox or some site similar, people do not like to have to take the time and hassle of signing in to a site just to view a file
Thanks bobhc,

Here is the link on dropbox

Good day ahhhmed

You have quite a bit of data in your spreadsheet.....but what are you trying to achieve,you give very little idea of what it is you want to happen re the rows/columns, what do you what to change when you alter some data??
hi bobhc,

I want the charts to represent data according to :




When I click (class) data is represented according to the success percentage of all periods

When I click Period, data is represented according to the detailed marks withing each period for a specific class

When I click ( teacher ) data is represented according to the classes of the teacher and the success percentage of each period unless I click a specific period.

I hope you could do it for me.

Thanks a lot