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Interactive chart - Reposted in Dashboard forum. [SOLVED]

Dear Gurus,

I tried to create Interactive chart based on the below link published in chandoo earlier.
But I am not able to proceed with the same.
Can get help in this regard.
I tried with the formula in the link but as the data is repeated.What mistake have i made?

Thanks in advance.

LINK REF : http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/07/20/interactive-dashboard-using-hyperlinks/

Interactive chart found in chandoo is in sheet named as Chandoo-Interactive dashboard.The file that I is tried is named as Working in attachment.

Please see:

1. In HYPERLINK function you should pass B2 in highlighseries function and so on.
2. In Cell B42 you gave the static value 10 which is wrong, the value should come from highlightseries function.
3. in Cell C42 you should do MATCH function.
4. In row below it you should extract whole row data and not column data as you are plotting row data and in Chandoo sample file he was plotting column Data, so INDEX function need to be changed.

Go through all this and write back if you have any doubt.

Please see:

1. In HYPERLINK function you should pass B2 in highlighseries function and so on.
2. In Cell B42 you gave the static value 10 which is wrong, the value should come from highlightseries function.
3. in Cell C42 you should do MATCH function.
4. In row below it you should extract whole row data and not column data as you are plotting row data and in Chandoo sample file he was plotting column Data, so INDEX function need to be changed.

Go through all this and write back if you have any doubt.


Dear Misra,

Thanks for your humble reply.
Actually I tried with the similar formula of the file found in the forum,as I was not able to get the numerical data as required,I manually gave it as "10".

1.Only help is can I know how to highlight the selected item alone in similar to attachment with conditional formatting.

2.I tried moving the sheet to new excel it is shown error saying "The address of this site is not valid.Check the address and try again".

3.How is the linkage between hyperlink and B42 is being done in system?

Thanks in advance.

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@Vignesh Veerasamy

See the file for CF. One thing more :
Select cells B4:H4 and apply Wrap Text to them.

Dear Somendra Misra,
Thanks for your continuous responses.

I am getting struck up while assigning the hyperlink with the cell...say B42.
I tried the same in a new excel and getting the attached error.When i click the cell containing the formula this error pop up is shown.

Why is it so?

Thanks in advance.



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@Vignesh Veerasamy

You don't have to click on the cell, just hover the mouse over it and it should change the value.

Dear Somendra,

When I assign the formula to the cell how is the hyperlink connected to cell B42 ?
I am able to put the other formulas only thing is that I am not able to call the data over which the mouse is being moved (ie) TEST-1 , TEST-2 etc..which you have called in cell B42(in your file) I am not able to call the value to assigned cell in the new workbook....it just shown as #VALUE...

Thanks in advance.

No Just assign any cell say B42 as valsenoption. Inset the function code in a module.


Dear Somendra,

I have attached a sample new excel which I tried,can know where the data connectivity is missing?
I have assigned the valSelOption to cell highlighted in yellow.



  • Book1.xlsm
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Good Morning Vignesh,

See the attached file. Modification Done as per below:
1. Pasted the code of function highlightseries in new module instead of sheet area.
2. Inserted the TRANSPOSE function around INDEX function as you are bringing the column data to row.

Just advise if any issue.



  • Book1.xlsm
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Good Morning Vignesh,

See the attached file. Modification Done as per below:
1. Pasted the code of function highlightseries in new module instead of sheet area.
2. Inserted the TRANSPOSE function around INDEX function as you are bringing the column data to row.

Just advise if any issue.

Dear Somendra,

Very Good Morning.
Thanks for your continous support and patient reply.Inserting the functions into a seperate new module finally worked out,which calls the roll over content in excel.
Finally made one with my data.
Thanks a alot.

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Dear Somendra,

One query is that can additional to the valseloption is it possible to add another function in the same worksheet?
Do i need to add another module?That is can additional cell reference apart from B42 can be given in same worksheet and data can be called?

Sorry that I am asking question for the closed thread,as user had raised a query for report generation for multiple data seeing this as he felt good to show top management MIS.

Hi Vignesh,

No need to be sorry. See the attached file.

I had used two different function highlightseries & highlightseries1 to get two charts working.

Is this what you want?



  • Book1.xlsm
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Hi Vignesh,

No need to be sorry. See the attached file.

I had used two different function highlightseries & highlightseries1 to get two charts working.

Is this what you want?


Dear Somendra,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes ,but can the data be drawn from the same table such that first four lines are in percentage,next comes in numbers..instead of showing as two different tables can a single table with different entries say numbers,percentage can be called in reference value and shown ?

As user has the data in similar format of attachment.I made the chart for rows with data from B7 to B13,user is asking similar charts for rows B14 to B17 & B18 to B21.



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@Vignesh Veerasamy

See the attached file. I think you are after this?


Dear Somendra,

Really nice to see the file.

You are awesome in Excel...can know how you made it in single format.....??(Sheet1)

I wil have this good format.

Also along with this can it be done like the one in attachment , I have not given any input for chart just the sub title marking alone I have made.

Thanks in advance.



  • Book2 (3).xlsm
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@Vignesh Veerasamy

Thanks for your kind words. I am just learning Excel.

As per the chart, everything is same except the data for chart is driven through a Named Range ChartData.

As per your new file, can you tell how will you layout your Selection?

@Vignesh Veerasamy

Thanks for your kind words. I am just learning Excel.

As per the chart, everything is same except the data for chart is driven through a Named Range ChartData.

As per your new file, can you tell how will you layout your Selection?


Dear Somendra,

I have attached the layout and the selection criteria in attachment.I have shown the valSelOption highlighted in yellow.



  • Book2 (3).xlsm
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@Vignesh Veerasamy

You can combine the technique of file in comment #19 & comment no.#21.

Use the three function from Comment #19 with three Valseloption & Chartdata technique from Comment#21.

See if you can workout on this, if you face any problem write back.
