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inserting shapes


Hi all,
I want to insert shapes from just 1 to 5.
Numbers 1 to 5 are inserted in 1st column but only 1st shape is inserted on top on theprevious one, while on the other hand code fails while inserting shapes. please let me know why this happens.

>>> use code - tags <<<
Dim topRow As Range
Dim Shapenumber As Integer
topRow.Value = "Shapenumber"
topRow.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Shape"

For Shapenumber = 1 To 5
    topRow.Offset(Shapenumber, 0).Value = Shapenumber
    topRow.Offset(Shapenumber, 1).Value = ws.Shapes.AddShape(Shapenumber, _
    topRow.Offset(Shapenumber, 1).Left + 5, topRow.Offset(Shapenumber, 1).Top + 3, 20, 10)
Next Shapenumber
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We'll probably have to define the question better before trying to answer it, but first I'm confused by this snippet of program code. You define topRow as a range, and then assign "ShapeNumber" to topRow.Value. But topRow hasn't yet been told what range it points to; how can that work? I mean, if you do this:
Dim topRow As Range
Set ows = ActiveSheet
Set ocs = ows.Cells
Set topRow = Range(ocs(1, 1), ocs(5, 5))
topRow.Value = "ShapeNumber"
...that'll put the character string "ShapeNumber" into 25 cells from A1 to E5. But it seems to me that trying to put something into topRow.Value before topRow has been assigned an actual range is meaningless. What am I missing?