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inserting row after data point changes

dear all,
I want to insert row after there is change in a data in a column.
now after "a" ends i want to put a blank row. similarly for c , d , f . g.
I have searched and found vba solution. Is it possible to do this without using Vba.

thanx and rgds
Sure :) all you need is an help column

Say that you have the values in cell A1:A20
Enter in B1 =1=1
Enter in B2 =A2=A1 and copy down

Filter for FALSE

Select the entire rows

Insert Row

Take the filter off and you're done
Just to clarify the above. You need to select each row individually when a filter is on in order for a blank row to appear between each item.

Take care

another approach...
Please follow each step properly.
  • Select any cell, and click Data > Outline > Subtotal
  • Ignore if any warning is comming. :)
  • At Each change in:section , select the column header, where you want to insert blank cell. In you case "name"
  • Select any of the function from Use function section.
  • If you need at top of each change, uncheck "Summary below Data"
  • Click OK.
  • Now at the top left corner.. you will found a outline like 1,2,3
  • Click 2. to collapse data in outline view.
  • Select all area (below header cell) and press "Alt + E + G + S + Y" . (Select All visible cells only.)
  • Simply press DELETE button.
  • Now at the top left corner.. click 3, to expand again.
  • Now your required output is produced.
  • You can again Seelct all cells and click Data > Outline > Subtotal
  • Ignore if any warning is comming. :)
  • You can click on "Remove All" to remove outline if required.
  • Finally you have to hire someone.. to delete if any extra column is inserted at Column A.

see.. its so easy.. :)