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Inner Join in MS Excel


New Member
I have two tables of same data of Aug and July, i want to apply a function which give me the result like inner join in SQL.

is it possible through a function? if yes what is that function?


Hi, jskushhawah!

Use the built-in search feature at top right of this window and look for vijaySharma posts, if I don't remember wrongly he'd wrote something about it.

Hi Jitendra ,

In case you are not familiar with the INNER JOIN , please go through this link :


From the example given there , you can see that the method to get an INNER JOIN in Excel is to use the VLOOKUP function , as long as there are no duplicates in either table.

If there are duplicates in only one table , and the inner join is from that table , then you can use the technique explained in this earlier question :


Use the formulae along with the table which does not have duplicates , and retrieve the multiple values from the second table.
