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inefficient loop


Dear All,
how can I make this code efficient?
its taking so much time to complete this iteration.

appreciate the help.

Sub Vba_for_clear_contentsb()
  Dim A As Long
  Dim b, c, d, e, F, g, h, i, j, k, l, n, m, O, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, X, Y, z, aa, _
  ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, asS, at, au, av, aw
  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  For A = 7 To 100
  'Get some values from the sheet on the left
  'With Sheets(ActiveSheet.Index - 1)
  With Sheets("MDB")
  b = .Range("B" & A).Value
  c = .Range("C" & A).Value
  d = .Range("D" & A).Value
  e = .Range("E" & A).Value
  F = .Range("F" & A).Value
  g = .Range("G" & A).Value
  h = .Range("H" & A).Value
  i = .Range("I" & A).Value
  j = .Range("J" & A).Value
  k = .Range("K" & A).Value
  l = .Range("L" & A).Value
  m = .Range("M" & A).Value
  n = .Range("N" & A).Value
  O = .Range("O" & A).Value
  p = .Range("P" & A).Value
  q = .Range("Q" & A).Value
  r = .Range("R" & A).Value
  s = .Range("S" & A).Value
  t = .Range("T" & A).Value
  u = .Range("U" & A).Value
  v = .Range("V" & A).Value
  w = .Range("W" & A).Value
  X = .Range("X" & A).Value
  Y = .Range("Y" & A).Value
  z = .Range("Z" & A).Value
  aa = .Range("AA" & A).Value
  ab = .Range("AB" & A).Value
  ac = .Range("AC" & A).Value
  ad = .Range("AD" & A).Value
  ae = .Range("AE" & A).Value
  af = .Range("AF" & A).Value
  ag = .Range("AG" & A).Value
  ah = .Range("AH" & A).Value
  ai = .Range("AI" & A).Value
  aj = .Range("AJ" & A).Value
  ak = .Range("AK" & A).Value
  al = .Range("AL" & A).Value
  am = .Range("AM" & A).Value
  an = .Range("AN" & A).Value
  ao = .Range("AO" & A).Value
  ap = .Range("AP" & A).Value
  aq = .Range("AQ" & A).Value
  ar = .Range("AR" & A).Value
  asS = .Range("AS" & A).Value
  at = .Range("AT" & A).Value
  au = .Range("AU" & A).Value
  av = .Range("AV" & A).Value
  aw = .Range("AW" & A).Value
  End With
  'Check some conditions
  If (F Like "*week*") Or (F Like "*Batch*") Or (O > 1.1) Then
  'Match, write the values into this sheet
  Range("E" & A).Value = e
  Range("L" & A).Value = l
  Range("N" & A).Value = n
  Range("B" & A).Value = b
  Range("C" & A).Value = c
  Range("D" & A).Value = d
  Range("E" & A).Value = e
  Range("F" & A).Value = F
  Range("G" & A).Value = g
  Range("H" & A).Value = h
  Range("I" & A).Value = i
  Range("J" & A).Value = j
  Range("K" & A).Value = k
  Range("L" & A).Value = l
  Range("M" & A).Value = m
  Range("N" & A).Value = n
  Range("O" & A).Value = O
  Range("P" & A).Value = p
  Range("Q" & A).Value = q
  Range("R" & A).Value = r
  Range("S" & A).Value = s
  Range("T" & A).Value = t
  Range("U" & A).Value = u
  Range("V" & A).Value = v
  Range("W" & A).Value = w
  Range("X" & A).Value = X
  Range("Y" & A).Value = Y
  Range("Z" & A).Value = z
  Range("AA" & A).Value = aa
  Range("AB" & A).Value = ab
  Range("AC" & A).Value = ac
  'Clear the cells
  Range("B" & A).ClearContents
  Range("C" & A).ClearContents
  Range("D" & A).ClearContents
  Range("E" & A).ClearContents
  Range("F" & A).ClearContents
  Range("G" & A).ClearContents
  Range("H" & A).ClearContents
  Range("I" & A).ClearContents
  Range("J" & A).ClearContents
  Range("K" & A).ClearContents
  Range("L" & A).ClearContents
  Range("M" & A).ClearContents
  Range("N" & A).ClearContents
  Range("O" & A).ClearContents
  Range("P" & A).ClearContents
  Range("Q" & A).ClearContents
  Range("R" & A).ClearContents
  Range("S" & A).ClearContents
  Range("T" & A).ClearContents
  Range("U" & A).ClearContents
  Range("V" & A).ClearContents
  Range("W" & A).ClearContents
  Range("X" & A).ClearContents
  Range("Y" & A).ClearContents
  Range("Z" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AA" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AB" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AC" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AD" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AE" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AF" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AG" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AH" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AI" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AJ" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AK" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AL" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AM" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AN" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AO" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AP" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AQ" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AR" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AS" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AT" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AU" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AV" & A).ClearContents
  Range("AW" & A).ClearContents
  End If
  Exit Sub
  Debug.Print "Source  : " & Err.Source
  Debug.Print "Error  : " & Err.Number
  Debug.Print "Description: " & Err.Description
  If MsgBox("Error " & Err.Number & ": " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
  Err.Description & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
  "Enter debug mode?", vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton2, Err.Source) = vbOK Then
  Stop 'Press F8 twice
  Resume nextrow
  End If
 End Sub

Hi !

As per forum rules, explain at least the purpose of your procedure
and join a sample workbook accordingly …
Hello Mark,
I am trying to retain the data in the worksheet if (F column is having a text with "*week*" Or "*Batch*", or (O column > 1.1) else then the data in the entire row must be cleared.

its a huge file and my company would not allow me to attached as big as such.
hope you understand.

much thanks
Would this work with that huge file?
I couldn't test this as You know.
Sub Vba_for_clear_contentsb()
  Dim A As Long
  Dim datas(49)
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    For A = 7 To 100
  'Get some values from the sheet on the left
 'With Sheets(ActiveSheet.Index - 1)
        For X = 2 To 49
            datas(X) = Sheets("MDB").Cells(A, X)
        Next X
'Check some conditions
        If (datas(6) Like "*week*") Or (datas(6) Like "*Batch*") Or (datas(15) > 1.1) Then
'Match, write the values into this sheet
            For X = 2 To 29
                Range(A, X) = datas(X)
            Next X
'Clear the cells
            Range("B" & A & ":AW" & A).ClearContents
        End If
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Source  : " & Err.Source
    Debug.Print "Error  : " & Err.Number
    Debug.Print "Description: " & Err.Description
    If MsgBox("Error " & Err.Number & ": " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
        Err.Description & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
        "Enter debug mode?", vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton2, Err.Source) = vbOK Then
        Stop 'Press F8 twice
        Resume nextrow
    End If
End Sub
Hello Marc,

its a huge file and my company would not allow me to attached as big as such.
In case you stay in trouble as it is very not difficult to create
a sample workbook respecting the data structure of the real one …
Hi Vletm,
thanks for reply and code you provided.
I am getting global range failed error - runtime error 1004 in this line

Range(A, X) = datas(X)
How did You test it?
If You tested it with 'testListbox.xlsb',
then it'll give 100% errors - many!
I tried to clean only those 'duplicates'.
... and Your 'code' didn't have eg err.clear ?
I have tested it in my currently working workbook. it gives an error right after it loops the B7. on B8 the Runtime error 1004 appears.
I've also tested it with file, which it would work without error.
If You cannot sent even sample of file then ... challenge to find Your error.
Hello MarcL and vletm,
sorry, I thought I upload the right file. please see the sample file.


  • Book1 test.xlsx
    264.9 KB · Views: 5
... there were few typos
... which could notice with real sample file.

Sub Vba_for_clear_contentsb()
  Dim A As Long
  Dim datas(49)
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    For A = 7 To 100
  'Get some values from the sheet on the left
'With Sheets(ActiveSheet.Index - 1)
       For X = 2 To 49
            datas(X) = Sheets("MDB").Cells(A, X)
        Next X
'Check some conditions
       If (datas(6) Like "*week*") Or (datas(6) Like "*Batch*") Or (datas(15) > 1.1) Then
'Match, write the values into this sheet
            For X = 2 To 29
                Cells(A, X) = datas(X)
            Next X
'Clear the cells
           Range("B" & A & ":AW" & A).ClearContents
        End If
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Source  : " & Err.Source
    Debug.Print "Error  : " & Err.Number
    Debug.Print "Description: " & Err.Description
    If MsgBox("Error " & Err.Number & ": " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
        Err.Description & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
        "Enter debug mode?", vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton2, Err.Source) = vbOK Then
        Stop 'Press F8 twice
        Resume nextrow
    End If
End Sub
Sub Vba_for_clear_contentsb()
Dim A As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
With Sheets("MDB")
  For A = 7 To 100
    'Check some conditions
    If (.Range("F" & A).Value Like "*week*") Or (.Range("F" & A).Value Like "*Batch*") Or (.Range("O" & A).Value > 1.1) Then
      'Match, write the values into this sheet
      Range("B" & A & ":AC" & A).Value = .Range("B" & A & ":AC" & A).Value
      'Clear the cells
      Range("B" & A & ":AW" & A).ClearContents
    End If
End With
Exit Sub

Debug.Print "Source  : " & Err.Source
Debug.Print "Error  : " & Err.Number
Debug.Print "Description: " & Err.Description
If MsgBox("Error " & Err.Number & ": " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
          Err.Description & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
          "Enter debug mode?", vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton2, Err.Source) = vbOK Then
  Stop    'Press F8 twice
  Resume nextrow
End If
End Sub