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Index-Match through VBA code


New Member

I am trying to put Index-Match formula on my data through VBA code, but I am unable to create the dynamic ranges and use index match though VBA.

Formula in excel looks like this:


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forum, Arpita! :awesome:

Not sure what you were trying before, but the code would be something like:
Sub Example()

Range("B2:B100").Formula = _

End Sub
Try this
Sub TestRun()
    Dim LR As Long, Rng As Range
    LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    Set Rng = Range("A8:O" & LR)
    If Range("K2").Value = GetData(Range("A2").Value, Range("J2").Value, Rng) Then
        MsgBox 1
        MsgBox 0
    End If
End Sub

Function GetData(Row_Name As String, Col_Name As String, Table_Array As Range) As Variant
    Dim rowRng As Range, colRng As Range
    Dim rowIndex As Long, colIndex As Long
    Row_Name = CStr(Row_Name): Col_Name = CStr(Col_Name)

    On Error Resume Next
    rowIndex = Application.Match(Row_Name, Table_Array.Columns(1), 0)
    colIndex = Application.Match(Col_Name, Table_Array.Rows(1), 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If rowIndex = 0 Or colIndex = 0 Then

        GetData = CVErr(xlErrRef)

        Set rowRng = Table_Array.Rows(rowIndex)
        Set colRng = Table_Array.Columns(colIndex)
        GetData = Table_Array.Parent.Evaluate("=" & rowRng.Address & " " & colRng.Address)
    End If
End Function
Thank you so much @Luke M , It worked well :)
But I am really not sure how do I convert it into a dynamic formula like if I need to make the ranges dynamic.
hi @YasserKhalil , This code looks really helpful and dynamic but I am getting error when I am trying to run this, error is at line no. 5 (where the function "Get Data" has been called).

Not sure if there is some problem with understanding :-(
Hi Arpita
Please attach your sample workbook to check the error
As for me no errors in this udf function.
I'm using it most of the time
I'm not sure which range you want to make dynamic. The range where formula is going, or where it's looking at?