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index function to count the position


Hi friends,

I refer Supervisor in sheet 1 B10 and trying to count required supervisor as per the project start date and finish date. Kindly find attached the excel file and advice accordingly.

EX 1
Position : Supervisor
Check cell: $E$2 (Start Date) and $E$3 (Finish Date) in sheet 1, the result is 3
Result cell: $I$15 which is 3.

EX 2
Position : Supervisor
Check cell: $F$2 (Start Date) and $F$3 (Finish Date) in sheet 1, the result is 1
Result cell: $I$15 which is 4 (earlier this position had 3 and now 1 more added, so total 4).

Once the project is finished the result cell should get reduced according to the project finish date.

If requisition comes, it should increase as per the demand.

Thank you in advance



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somthing is wrong.
>As per your post, "I refer Supervisor in sheet 1 "B10",
but in sheet1 "B10" is BUNDLE PULLER SUP. whereas "SUPERVISOR" in "B8".

>You required "Result cell: $I$15 which is 3" : In which sheet name? Kindly highlighted.
Also clarify logic of calculation.