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Incrementing the cell address by referring a value in another cell


New Member
Hi All,

I needed your help to solve my problem.

I have 3 columns:


1 Val1 1 =Indirect("A"&$B$1)

2 Val2

3 Val3

Now I want Val2 in C2, Val3 in C3 and so on. So that means, I want the value in B1 to be incremented by 1 on every cell.

Please help me to solve this?


Vimal Raj
Hi Vimalraj ,

What is there in column A ? Is it numbers 1 , 2 , 3 ,... ?

If the numbers in column A are serially ordered , then can the contents of column B be tied to these numbers ?

What are the contents of column B , and what are the contents of column C ? You are showing the values Val1 , Val2 , Val3 ,... in column B , but you say you want Val2 to appear in cell C2 , Val3 to appear in cell C3 ,...

Can you please clarify ?

Hi Narayan,

Sorry due to some format issue, the display is not proper.

Column A contains values like Val1, Val2, Val3 and so on. (Note that these for sample purpose).

Cell B1 contain a number which would be referred in Indirect formula in Column C.

I hope it is clear now.


Vimal Raj
Hi Vimalraj ,

Sorry , but I am still confused ; can you just give some sample data and show the result you want , in either column B or column C ?

Assume column A contains the text "Val1" , "Val2" , "Val3" ,...

Assume cell B1 contains a number , say 7.

How do you want the cells in column C to appear ; cell C1 should have what , cell C2 should have what , cell C3 should have what ,.... ?
