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Inconsistent Date format in Bar Chart


I have the following spreadsheet & chart working perfectly and looking how I want it with the exception of the first date which stays as a Comma Style vallue 41699 rather then the custom date format of 1 Mar 14.

I have set it as text whilst formatting the axis but it won't play nice. Where am I going wrong?


  • Planned v Actual v2.xlsx
    14.6 KB · Views: 5
Hi Seahorse

Date axis has two option.. Text & Date

A date axis displays dates in chronological order at set intervals or base units, such as the number of days, months or years, even if the dates on the worksheet are not in order or in the same base units.

So if you change the axis option to TEXT, it will not reflect the Number Format, you are expecting.
rather.. try to change the Number format.. (either in source Column or in Chart > Axis > Number Format option.

Try and let us know.. if you need any further clarification.
I am absolutely positive I set that in the office, but Format Axis > Axis Options > Numer > Format Code > Add resolved it.

Thanks for the steer.