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Immediate Window doesn't appear

Jeff H

New Member
Running Excel 365 on Windows 10, in Visual Basic Editor the Immediate, Local, and Watch windows no longer appear. (I think there was a recent Office update.)

If I go to Tools > Options > Docking and deselect docking for any of them, then they appear, but won't dock, which makes them difficult to use.

Anyone else having this problem and/or know the solution?

- Jeff
Well I found the answer. Interestingly, I had searched the chandoo site before posting, but didn't find any relevant results. Then, while waiting for a reply, I did a Google search and found this: https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/lost-immediate-window.7207/, from chandoo in 2012, of all things.

Anyway, it turns out that after setting all three to "Docked" (since it was only when docked that they wouldn't appear), then closing all the other windows, and finally resizing the VBE window itself, I was just able to detect tiny indicators of where they were so I could manually resize them. Strange business!

- Jeff