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Image directly into a cell. Feasible?


New Member

My problem is that I need to insert image from clipboard directly into cell. Cell have pre-determinated size (width and height). Image have bigger dimentions than cell.

So basically I want paste image into cell so that image fit cell dimentions (without adjusting image size manualy).

Can stright excel options make that happen? Or do I need go into VBA? Is it feasible?

Any input appreciated.
Hi, kildas!

Seems to have being missed this post. Let's see what can we do.

As far as I know Excel doesn't handle images so easily as you describe, so I'm afraid you'll have to go into VBA.

But before going into VBA please tell me more about the project, how many cells will contain images (1 or more?), how are they distributed (workbook structure?), the source is the clipboard but which is the target (where are the images going to be stored, what are you further gonna do with them?), what are image sizes (resolution, weight in KB?).

Wait for your comments.

They're are probably work arounds to this problem. Would you mind telling us what you are trying to achieve so we can suggest another strategy. Thanks!

I take screan shoot by pressing alt + S (it is print screen of defined region, its JPG, 700x470px more or less) now I want to paste this from clipboard to temporary spreadsheet into predefined cell (450x250) by just clicking on the cell and presing ctrl + V .

I would like to have in this temporary spreadsheet 4 predefined cells for 4 different screanshoots.

Problem here is that if i make scshoot, click on cell and paste image it is not in the cell but rather overlay spreadsheet (so I need to manualy adjust image size to cell size I desire).

2nd thing is transfering those 4 images from template.xls to destination.xls

In template.xls 4 images have same size and orientation.

In destination.xls those images are in:

-different size cells

-one of them have different orientation and smaller size

-one of them is in 2 places one smaller size and one bigger size

-three of them are beside each other (smaller size)

What I want to do is:

1. After CTRL + V image should be in cell (size of image adjusted automaticly)

2. Automatic transfer of images from template.xls to destination.xls

PS: Images are pasted to template.xls always in same order
Hi, kildas!

Just read what you posted, very clear the details, and I'd add only this:

I don't know what are you going to do with the destination.xls file once you save it. If the normal use is to save it with a different name each time (or from time to time), I'd suggest to create a folder with the same name as the file and store there the four images of each workbook. But it's just an enhancement.

Let me find some free time in next days to see if I find the way out and I'll let you know.

In addition to my last post I can say that:

- destination.xls is template for final raport, after pasting images and adding some more content it is saved each time (30 times per day) to a folder

- template.xls is way of transfering those 4 images from station A to station B on witch final raport is created

I'm open for ideas. Even advice how folder/files structure could look like. I was even considering template.xls and destination.xls to be on station A and for final touch in station B goes destination.xls with images in proper places and sizes.

I'm struggling with that past 2 weeks so any input is higly appreciated.

BTW: All this effort is so I can generate more reports per day.