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If using dates not working


New Member
I have the following columns and Rows

H3: Date (on spreadsheet is 11/14/2011)

E5: Contract End Date (on spreadsheet is 09/30/2012)

G5: Dollar Amount

I want to evaluate a cell to see if the date in H3 is less than or equal to the date in E5. I am only concerned with the month and year.

I am using the following formula but it is not working correctly. The cell displays 0, but I would expect it to show the value in G5.


This is not working. My
In order to calculate the date in H3, I am using the following formula: =EDATE($A$3,1)

This changes the year to 1900 :(
Formula in H3 should probably be:


Your IF formula could be this:

i meant changing your original formula to

IF(AND(MONTH(H3)<=MONTH(E5),YEAR(H3)<=YEAR(E5)),G5,0) to


there was no mention of A3 or H3 is today's day so I had to assume H3 could be any date input manually.

Next time, please clearly state your question and any other info we may need to know. Else it would be difficult to understand what you are truly looking for.
