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IF function when criteria is not met, it will automatically look into the next cell to verify the criteria and so on.


New Member
Hi. Can someone help me. Id like to make a IF formula that automatically check the the next cell if the statement is false.
In this example. I want to display all the company name from column A to column F if column B contains the the word "voicemail or not interested.
View attachment 853681696517747056.png


  • Untitled spreadsheet.xlsx
    8.8 KB · Views: 6
what version of excel do you have

=FILTER(A2:B25,(B2:B25="not interested")+(B2:B25="voicemail"))


  • Untitled spreadsheet-ETAF.xlsx
    10.1 KB · Views: 6
Formula of using IF function+ OR function

In cell F2 enter formula and copied down

=IF(OR(B2="not interested",B2="voicemail"),A2,"")

Or, another way to give you the same result:

=IF(OR(B2={"not interested","voicemail"}),A2,"")

=IF((B2="not interested")+(B2="voicemail"),A2,"")

what version of excel do you have

=FILTER(A2:B25,(B2:B25="not interested")+(B2:B25="voicemail"))
Hi ETAF, this actually works. But now in trying to make it work with ISNUMBER(SEARCH) function to search a specific word "not interested" and "callback" that are mixed with other words but I can't make it work.
Now im using this formula:
wherein it will search the word "callback". But when I try to add another word to search "not interested" the formula don't work.

But the FILTER function that you provided is working. It's just that i can't make it work with the isnumber(search) function.


  • Untitled spreadsheet.xlsx
    13 KB · Views: 5
using filter
=FILTER(A2:B26,((ISNUMBER(SEARCH("not interested",B2:B26)))+ISNUMBER(SEARCH("callback",(B2:B26)))))

how do want Voicemail or is this a new report ,

see H and J column

did you want it sorted ?
=SORT(FILTER(A2:B26,((ISNUMBER(SEARCH("not interested",B2:B26)))+ISNUMBER(SEARCH("callback",(B2:B26))))))


  • Untitled spreadsheet (etaf-2).xlsx
    13.9 KB · Views: 7
using filter
=FILTER(A2:B26,((ISNUMBER(SEARCH("not interested",B2:B26)))+ISNUMBER(SEARCH("callback",(B2:B26)))))

how do want Voicemail or is this a new report ,

see H and J column

did you want it sorted ?
=SORT(FILTER(A2:B26,((ISNUMBER(SEARCH("not interested",B2:B26)))+ISNUMBER(SEARCH("callback",(B2:B26))))))
Thank you ETAF this actually works. I just can't understand the extra open parenthesis on the (B2:B26) part:
ISNUMBER(SEARCH("callback",(B2:B26))))). (highlighted with red).
Any way can I add unlimited search value using this formula? For example I also want to add "voicemail" and "passover" word to be search.
yes can reduce the ()
=SORT(FILTER(A2:B26,(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("not interested",B2:B26))+ISNUMBER(SEARCH("callback",(B2:B26))))))

you dont have passover in the example - so i have added

=SORT(FILTER(A2:B26,(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("not interested",B2:B26))+ ISNUMBER(SEARCH("voicemail",B2:B26)) + ISNUMBER(SEARCH("passover",B2:B26)) + ISNUMBER(SEARCH("callback",(B2:B26))))))


  • Untitled spreadsheet (etaf-3).xlsx
    14 KB · Views: 3