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IF formulas


New Member
I have to keep track of 6 different reports. All 6 have different date ranges in which they need to be updated, some are ever 45 days, some are 180 days, and others are once a year. How can I nest all 6 IF functions? I put 2 of the formulas below....I am not sure how to combine them,

=H3+180*(E3="Status Report")
=H3+45*(E3="On-Going Research Report")
a sample sheet would help here
you are multiplying a TRUE / FALSE result
Not sure what your expected results are

H3 ????

how do you decide which is 45,180 days ?
Sorry, I am not an advanced user of excel. Basically, my H column is the date I last updated a specific report. I created a drop down in another column for the different types of reports. I have 6 different types of reports, all with different updating time requirements. What I am trying to do is get excel to do is add a specific number of days to the corresponding report. For example: If I select "Status Report" from the drop down in column E, then enter the date I updated the Status Report in column H, I want it to add 180 days for a due date in column I.
I hope this makes more sense...thank you.
oh OK
If neither E3 is selected - you get the message "Change Selection"
=IF( E3="Status Report", H3+180, IF( E3="On-Going Research Report", H3+45, "Change Selection"))
OR a blank
=IF( E3="Status Report", H3+180, IF( E3="On-Going Research Report", H3+45, ""))

Confused on the H or I - which date does what
then enter the date I updated the Status Report in column H, I want it to add 180 days for a due date in column I.
I manually enter the date I completed the report into column H, then excel should add the appropriate number of days, and that date would show up in column I.
ok, so the formula goes into column I then

I have put a small sample showing
H3 and H4 - so you can see the result in I3 and I4

just add
=IF( E3="Status Report", H3+180, IF( E3="On-Going Research Report", H3+45, ""))
to I3


  • example-45-180-ETAF.xlsx
    9.3 KB · Views: 6
You are awesome! That gives me a huge starting point. I was able to get one formula to work, but I did not know how to sting them together. Thank you very much.