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IF else formula with a loop and Conditional formatting


New Member
The rule that I am looking for conditional formatting is

1. Column A has n. no.of values and Column B has n. number of values.

2. I want to apply conditional formatting on every cell of Column B which is driven by value in Column A and its corresponding value in Column B.

The formula that I am looking for to be used with conditional formatting is

If A2='1-Critical' and B2='1-Resolve Immediately', then no colour on cell B2 else B2 should be coloured RED


If A2='2-High' and B2= '1-Resolve Immediately' OR '2-Give High Attention', then no colour on cell B2 else B2 should be coloured RED


If A2='3-Medium' and B2= '1-Resolve Immediately' OR '2-Give High Attention' OR '3-Normal Queue', then no colour on cell B2 else B2 should be coloured RED



Awaiting your reply!
